Guides to Retiring

Your Quick Guide to Visiting Florida's 55+ Communities

Author avatarTeam @ Explore55Plus
5 minute read
The lobby in the clubhouse of one of Florida's 55+ communities.

Making the Most of Your First Visit to a 55+ Community

Starting your search for the perfect retirement home in one of Florida’s 55+ Communities is an exciting journey. And your first visit is a big step. At Explore55Plus, we know your next home is more than a new address. It’s about creating a life that fits just right for you.

Fortunately, Florida has it all, from peace and quiet, to communities buzzing with activity. Because of this, you're sure to find a 55+ community that feels like it was made just for you! Continue reading to learn more about making the most of your first visit to Florida’s 55+ Communities.

The Allure of Florida’s 55+ Communities

Every 55+ community is different, and that's a great thing! This means more choices for you. From the lively buzz of multigenerational neighborhoods with exclusive 55+ sections, to the tranquil lanes of age-restricted communities, there's a home to suit every taste. Additionally, let's not forget the active adult lifestyle communities that are brimming with opportunities to make new friendships.

Moreover, at Explore55Plus, we recommend visiting multiple communities. After all, the place you fall in love with might surprise you! This helps you find a community that not only meets your needs but enriches your life with new friendships and experiences. Also, this provides the peace of mind that comes with living in a place that's just right for you.

Timing Your Visit Right

Frequently, one of the questions we hear is, "How early is too early to start exploring?" The answer is simple: It's never too early. Planning your visit to Florida’s 55+ communities with one of our expert agents ensures that you have a trusted guide right from the start. They are more than agents - they're your guides to this exciting new chapter. Early exploration gives you plenty of time to consider your options, ask the right questions, and make informed decisions without feeling rushed. In essence, it's about investing in your future happiness and making sure that each detail matches your vision for retirement.

Understanding the Nitty-Gritty

As you get into your search, you'll find that there is so much to learn about Florida’s 55+ communities. HOA fees, CDD fees, property taxes, pet policies, hurricanes, and insurance are crucial parts of your future lifestyle, not just details. Most importantly, it’s crucial to get a handle on the details that will affect your day-to-day life. Here’s a list of what to look into:

  • HOA Fees:
    • What services and amenities do these fees cover?
    • How often are HOA fees assessed, and by how much have they historically increased?
  • CDD Fees:
    • Understand that these fees are included in your annual property tax bill.
    • Ask about the duration of these fees and what infrastructure costs they cover.
  • Property Taxes:
    • Research the property tax rates in the area.
    • Inquire about any available tax exemptions for seniors.
  • Pet Policies:
    • Check the number and types of pets allowed.
    • Review any community rules regarding pets, such as leash laws and designated pet areas.
  • Insurance and Safety:
    • Find out what kind of homeowners insurance will be required.
    • Ask about the community's disaster preparedness plans, especially for hurricanes.
  • Community Rules and Regulations:
    • Review any restrictions on exterior home modifications or decorations.
    • Understand quiet hours, parking regulations, and guest policies.

Our website has detailed info on each community. Plus, our agents are always here to help explain more. With this knowledge, you can budget wisely, avoid surprise costs, and feel confident about the financial side of your chosen community. As a result, this transparency allows you to focus on enjoying your retirement to the fullest.

Personalized Tours Tailored to Your Wishlist

At Explore55Plus, our agents take pride in their personalized approach. Specifically, our agents work closely with you to explore your wish-list. In doing so, they will help prioritize your wants and needs, and make sure that every community you visit moves you closer to finding 'the one.' As your personal retirement home matchmakers, they commit to finding you a community where every day feels like a vacation. This tailored approach guarantees efficient use of your time, respects your preferences, and turns your final choice into more than just a house – it becomes the perfect home for the next chapter of your life.

Real Success Stories

Don't just take our word for it. Claire and Mary, two of our star agents, have helped clients like you find their slice of paradise. Their clients' glowing testimonials reflect the joy and satisfaction of finding a home that's not just a place to live, but a community to belong to. These success stories are a testament to the great life that awaits when you find the right community. Hear more from The Websters and The Allens.

Embark on Your Journey

As you're about to start this enriching phase of your life, don't wait to experience the excitement of Central Florida's top 55+ communities. Why wait to start living your dream retirement lifestyle when the opportunity to embrace it is at your fingertips? Together, let's embark on this journey together, exploring the possibilities and turning your vision into a reality. Your ideal community, where each day is full of adventure and satisfaction, is just a chat away.

So, connect with an Explore55Plus agent and take the first step towards a retirement filled with the joys and comforts you've earned. Reach out today, and together, we'll find the community that's not just a fit for your lifestyle, but a match for your aspirations.

Below, you'll find a community checklist to use during each visit. Save it to your phone, or print it off and keep it handy as you tour each 55+ community.

Boring Legal Stuff

The information on this page is aggregated from third-party sources and presented as-is for your convenience. It has not been verified or approved by the developer, association, Explore55Plus or any other orgainization or human with a pulse for that matter. Explore55Plus does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of information or assume any liability for its use.

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Explore55Plus and our partner agents are not affiliated with or sponsored by communities or their associations.

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